You may
download my digital business card (in “vCard 3.0” format—if your address book application cannot handle this you can use the “vCard 2.1” version instead which will also work with the Windows XP address book but contains less information)
- write me
- talk to me
- on my telephone: +49 89 70009720
- on my mobile phone: +49 172 8530467
- on Skype (which I’m using very rarely): ltrebing
- send me
My postal address
Lars Trebing
Andréestr. 3
80634 München
You can use PGP/GPG to secure your messages from being read or altered before they reach me. Use one of these keys:
- DSS 2048/1024 (more secure, recommended)
fingerprint: 62B8 1655 F40A 8A62 7C1C 9B67 0EAE 00E1 ED83 13EB
- RSA 1024 (for older PGP versions)
fingerprint: D3AA 1DF1 66BC EEA6 4A96 2049 1DE5 DFEA
If you’re somehow serious about cryptography, you’ll still need to see me in person in order to verify the authencity of these keys.